Original 16th century wood ceiling
Original 16th century ceiling detail. Polychrome paintings on wood located on the lower cloisters
Tests on rubber sheet based on the original work
Tests on rubber sheet based on the original work. The beginning of both upper cloisters decorations started on my house floor
Original drawing copy that, later, was going to be simplified
Cloisters general view. In the lower one there is the original ceiling, while in the upper one I painted the new drawing
Upper cloister white painted ceiling before work (37x5m and 35x5m total area to work on)
17th century original frescos settled on cloisters walls. I was inspired by those frescos and the colors I was going to work with
Work beguining. 17th century fresco remains can be seen on the yellow side walls
...Starting from fresco remains, an imitation was carried out on the ceilings in order to be the base for the painting work
First lines
Ceiling in process with line drawings
First painted lines
Starting to paint
Finishing the work
Two painted cloisters view (37x5 m and 35x5 m total area)
Finished work view detail from the floor
All works has been carried out with natural pigments and flaxseed oils